Good morning everyone. Today I'm working on adding some guidelines to Huzzler (category specific rules and general community rules). The goal of this is to increase the quality of the content and make sure the posts are in the correct category.
An AI will analyse every post and assign some scores to it: e.g. "wrong_category_probability", "spam_probability", "rule_violation_probability" and then a mod can easily filter and remove spam posts or move posts to a better category.
What do you think about this? Any other guidelines / rules I should add?
Thanks a lot guys!
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AI auto-suggesting the right category instead of just flagging it would save a ton of time. A soft warning system before deleting borderline posts could also help users fix mistakes instead of getting frustrated. Maybe also show users their AI scores (spam probability, rule violations, etc.) so they understand why a post was flagged? And a simple appeal system for wrong flags would be nice.
Also, detecting duplicate posts would keep spam down. These should make moderation smoother without annoying legit users.
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